Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Better Get Your Popcorn Ready

Time to Crank it up Cowboys

One of my favorite videos deserves a replay:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lady Luck Passed By

Well I already had a setback this fantasy football season when the luck of the draw passed me by in the Skins challenge at the Progressive Fantasy Football World Championship ("PFFWC"). The game's creator, the "Mustache Sweater Man" drafted with a random June league on Monday and will award an additional $1,000 to the winner of that league's championship game in week 10 of NFL play. Including my own, there were 13 entries for Mondays draft. Only 10 could play...I wasn't one. With that, I have delayed my draft until late August. This really pains me because without a team in the books it's difficult to exhibit how phenomenal my drafting skills are.

But wait...there has been talk of another Skins challenge in July. What do you say Aaron...I mean...Mustache Sweater Man?