Monday, July 20, 2009

Mike Vick on the Loose!

Michael Vick was released from prison today. I have said it before and I will say it again. Vick got SCREWED! And I honestly can't figure out why. I happen to be a dog lover...I have 3 dogs...INDOOR dogs ranging from 75lbs down to about 35lbs....not girly little purse dogs...I have DOGS!! Cooter, Shelbie, and Daisy (Crazy Cooter and Daisy Duke for the Hazzard folks out there). You know I love these animals if I let them stink up my house and throw up on my carpet. I'm absolutely opposed to dog fighting. BUT I can recognize that most people in our society enjoy watching the toughest of the tough do battle in varying degrees....whether it's NFL football, UFC fighting, boxing.....or dogfighting....people like to watch brutality. Personally I like football and can do without the other bloodsports other than an occasional boxing title fight (I'm a lover not a fighter!). My wife thinks UFC is barbaric and won't watch it and I don't care for it much either....yet some people take the kids to see fights and think it's fine. We all have a right to differ in opinion in this country. So Mike Vick had a hand in killing some dogs. I think it's pretty disgusting and once that info was made public most people agreed. The guy lost endorsement deals, his reputation suffered.....the "free market" took care of that without the expense of prosecution and prison time.

What interest was served by locking Vick up? How much did the trial and imprisonment and media circus cost taxpayers and what purpose was ultimately served? Vick, as far as I know, never hurt anyone and did a lot to help the community before the dogfighting incident. I remember hearing a story about Vick pulling up on a street corner in his old hood and giving stuff away. Can he do that now? Instead he's struggling through bankruptcy. His creditors pay the price and he has no means of helping anyone. Only the lawyers came out smelling like roses. All that fame and fortune squandered just so the PETA people could flex their muscles. It's stupid. I would have liked to see Vick keep playing, with some of his NFL salary going straight toward the public good and maybe an anti-dogfighting campaign.

What would happen to Brett Favre if we found out he and some of his backwoods buddies hold cockfights one a month? You think he would ever see a day inside a jail cell? I doubt it. Is it different because it's "man's best friend"? Some people hate dogs and have pet chickens they love dearly. It's cold to say it but, in the eyes of the law, I think a dog is no different from a horse or a cow or a chicken. It's property. Once that property has served its purpose, an owner is LEGALLY free to dispose of it however he wants....let the free market, the media, and public opinion take care of the rest.

Add the fact that Donte Stallworth was recently sentenced to 90 days in jail for drinking and driving and hitting a pedestrian and KILLING A HUMAN BEING! 90 DAYS!! What is going on in this country! Somebody hates Mike Vick. That guy got SCREWED!

I hope Vick comes back and is good again, but I doubt it. Let's see how many people jump on the Vick bandwagon in fantasy football. EVERYONE assumes Brady is still worth a first round pick after a year and a half out of football. How much did Vick miss....2 years? And Vick didn't even have an injury. Good luck Michael Vick!

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