Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mustache Sweater Man - Ambassador of Fantasy Football

The FFOC fantasy game is dead but all is not lost!

Shane Schroeder may be the game's only million dollar winner for a while, having taken a million in cash in 2008. Last year's winner took $300K in cash and is promised $70K/year for the next 10 years. The chances of that aren't looking good.

Through the FFOC message board, the regulars came to know a guy named Aaron as a computer/programming guru and football stats guy. I won't say Aaron is not an unusual guy. Aaron is also known as Mustache Sweater Man...check out this "commercial" he did last year (I think he won a contest for a small budget to make a commercial on some TV station):

Mustache Sweater Man has now started his own fantasy game using the FFOC format (with head-to-head match ups till week 10, then a "cutline" week 11 thru 16. You also have the option to play a 2nd QB in the flex spot).

Aaron is running his game right and his website is the real deal, so don't shy away because it's a start up game. He's promised that the total payouts will be about 85% of the prize pool which is way higher than most internet fantasy games. If you look at the site it has a prize structure listed, but be aware that the numbers are climbing as he gets more entries. All prize money is held by an attorney who holds the money in a trust account (the attorney's info is listed).

Aaron calls his game the Progressive Fantasy Football World Championship at (as in progressive jackpot).

There is a "skins" challenge where Aaron will be joining a random league sometime in June. There will be an additional $1,000 up for grabs for the winner of that league in the week 10 league championship game.

Also, the PFFWC has commercials running on ESPN from July 15 to August 30 on Grande cable in Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin. The top prize has already gone up from $2,500 to $3,500 and should easily top $25,000. In addition, each league champ wins $200. The entry price is $100...or there are discounts for buying multiple teams...including a June earlybird offer of 3 teams for $270.

Mustache Man is onto something here and he's running his contest right. He has promised transparency in the game's finances and the prize money is secure. Aaron regularly on the forums answering questions and has two programmers working for him to keep the site running smooth with live updates during the games, etc.

Come to PFFWC and battle with The H!


  1. I have to say, The H is one smart man. I would be honored to let him buy me a beer or two.

  2. Hey there H, it's the RAGE. Long time, no talk. Great Job kissing up. I wish I saw this post earlier I would have loved to take you on AGAIN, and beat you AGAIN. Anyway, congrats on the promotion. How 'bout dem COWBOYS! FYI be on the watchout for the USAFFC (USA Fantasy Football Championship) in late 2011, I hear it will be a great Fantasy Football site with a simple format for all to play. I think they are waiting to see what happens with the C.B. Talk to you later!
